Word Problem Wednesday: All In Good Measure

By Mathnasium | November 4, 2020


Excellent!  Are you ready to check your child’s answer? Look below to see if their solution matches ours.

Lower Elementary:
Answer:   12 stickers
Solution:  Since each sticker is 2 inches wide and each page is 8 inches wide, that means Tyler can fit 8 ÷ 2 = 4 stickers in each row. Since the page is 9 inches tall and each sticker is 3 inches tall, that means Tyler can fit 9 ÷ 3 = 3 rows of stickers on each page. So, Tyler can fit 4, 8, 12 stickers on each page of his sticker book.

Upper Elementary:
Answer:   693 erasers
Solution:  The length of the box is equal to 11 erasers, the width is equal to 9 erasers, and the depth is equal to 7 erasers. So, the box will hold 11 × 9 × 7 = 693 erasers in total.

Middle School:
Answer:   1,006 feet
Solution:  Each time the wheels rotate, Bobby moves forward 2πr ≈ 2 × 3.14 × ½ foot = 3.14 feet. Since a mile is 5,280 feet, the track is 5,280 ÷ 4 = 1,320 feet. If Bobby turns his wheels 100 times, he will travel 314 feet, which means he will have 1,320 – 314 = 1,006 feet left to complete a lap around the track.

Algebra and Up:
Answer:   144°
Solution:  Since the sum of the measures of all 5 vertices of a pentagon is 540°, that means that each angle is 540° ÷ 5 = 108°. Two 108° angles and x make a full 360° circle, so 360° – 108° × 2 = 360° – 216° = 144°. So, the measure of x is 144°.