Word Problem Wednesday: The Values of Fractions

By Mathnasium | June 24, 2020


Awesome job on today’s word problem! Are you ready to check your answer? Look below to see if your solution matches ours.

Lower Elementary:
Answer: 3 grams
Solution: To find the weight of the missing part of the charm, we subtract 2 12 grams from 5 12 grams. We can do this by splitting 2 12 grams into 2 grams and 12 of a gram. If we subtract 2 grams first, we get 5 12 – 2 = 3 12 grams. Next, we subtract the half to get 3 1212 = 3 grams. So, the missing part of the charm weighs 3 grams.

Upper Elementary:
Answer: 6 ounces
Solution: First, we need to know what fractional part of the sandwich is uneaten. Since Benjamin ate 310 and Jerry ate 25 = 410, they ate 710 of the baguette in total. That means that the remaining 1010710 = 310 of the baguette weighs 4 12 ounces. Each tenth of the baguette therefore weighs 4 12 ÷ 3 = 1 12 ounces. So, since Jerry ate 410 of the baguette, his piece was 1 12 × 4 = 6 ounces.

Middle School:
Answer: $5.26
Solution: The cost before tax of the pie and coffee is $1.50 + $2.50 = $4.00, so the cost after tax is $4.00 + ($4.00 × 0.065) = $4.26. With the tip included, Dale spends $4.26 + $1.00 = $5.26.

Algebra and Up:
Answer: 3,000 radians per minute
Solution: Since a radian has an arc length equal to the radius, each radian that the saw rotates causes 3 feet of the edge of the blade to strike the tree. So, to find the number of radians that would cause 9,000 feet of the edge of the blade to strike the tree, we divide 9,000 ÷ 3 = 3,000. The rate at which the blade rotates is 3,000 radians per minute.