Summer Is the Season for Accelerating Math Skills

By Mathnasium | May 26, 2021

Spring is the season of new beginnings. When flowers start to bloom, trees shake off the doldrums of winter and turn green, animals awaken from their winter slumbers and the earth seems to spring back to life (see what we did there?).

Even in a year unlike any other in human history, these facts about springtime still remain true. As does another ritual of spring that parents across the country and around the world begin to undertake in springtime: planning summer activities for their kids.

Sure, there are camps and playdates and sports to keep kids busy over the course of the summer months. And they’re all healthy activities so important to the normal development of children. But in such an extraordinary year, when education — and math in particular — has been disrupted in real and unique ways, there’s one summer activity that will reap benefits for the rest of your child’s life:

As Math Learning Gaps Threaten the “COVID Generation,” It’s Time to Act

By Joanne Helperin | August 14, 2020

When the global pandemic shuttered schools across the U.S. in March, the concept of the “COVID slide” became a new term in our vocabulary. It refers to a pattern of learning loss that typically happens over summer break, but more severe due to extended school closures. The COVID slide means that students may start the 2020-2021 school year substantially behind in their education and will continue to struggle this year — and potentially well beyond.

Students are struggling to catch up and keep up in math. Mathnasium’s Kickstart Program determines exactly which end-of-year concepts a student missed and addresses them with individualized learning plans.

When Should Kids Start Learning Math?

By Mathnasium | February 5, 2018

Math is more than just addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. Most math skills are so intuitive to adults that you might not even think of them as belonging to the same category as algebra or trigonometry. Kids start learning math much earlier than you might think. You can start teaching your child the fundamentals of math almost from the day he or she is born.