Word Problem Wednesday: After School

By Mathnasium | June 17, 2020


Great work on today’s word problem! Are you ready to check your answer? Look below to see if your solution matches ours.

Lower Elementary:
Answer: 16 minutes
Solution: From 3:15 pm to 3:23 pm is 23 – 15 = 8 minutes. Since half of the trip from school to Layla’s house takes 8 minutes, that means that the whole trip takes that amount of time doubled. So, the whole trip from school to Layla’s house is 8 + 8 = 16 minutes.

Upper Elementary:
Answer: 9 weeks
Solution: Each week, Alice gets $20.00 and spends $15.00. So, she can save $20.00 – $15.00 = $5.00 per week. She needs $45.00 to buy the video game, so she can save up that amount in $45.00 ÷ $5.00 per week = 9 weeks.

Middle School:
Answer: 3 possibilities: 2244, 2448, and 4488
Solution: Since all the digits have to be even, only 2s, 4s, and 8s can appear in the address number — 6 cannot appear in the address because halving or doubling it would cause an odd digit. So, 22, 24, and 44 can all can be doubled to make a number whose digits are in the set of usable digits. That means 2244, 2448, and 4488 are the possible numbers.

Algebra and Up:

B = C + 21
C = 2.5D
D = E
E = 0.25F
F = G – 1

Solution: Bailey’s sales are equal to Carlos’s plus 21: B = C + 21. Carlos’s sales are equal to 2.5 times Devon’s: C = 2.5D. Devon’s sales are equal to Emma’s: D = E. Emma’s sales are equal to a quarter of Fran’s sales: E = 0.25F. Fran’s sales are equal to Ginny’s sales minus 1: G – 1.